A laboratory seat should take the least space and must offer the best ergonomics and comfort, in order to give an accurate and focused work for a long time. Labster is perfect for laboratories in its shape and functionalities. Thanks to the Auto Motion technology is good for all the activities, the movement and special sitting positions in the laboratory. Labster independently and continuously supports the work posture and it adapts automatically to the user. Sitting and backrest are coated with a soft stuffing that offers the best support to the spine column thanks to its shape.
Labster Laboratory Seat
Labster supporting stool is the solution for the operation that have to be done standing because it permits a dynamic passage from the standing to the sitting position without straining the spine. The mechanism follows the natural movements of the body and gives freedom of movement without standing up. The circular shaped base of the stool fits in the star shaped base of the chair, reducing the waste of space.
Labster means functionality, the structure has not slits that can cause the deposit of micro organisms, bacteria or other particles; mechanics are protected by a soft and cleanable coating.