Laborent is the best solution if you want to follow the technological innovations in a simple way inorder to have an updated equipment in line with the
actual needs of the laboratory, without tax, counting and legal issues
Laborent is a longterm operative rent that combines the benefits payment extended over time, giving the possibility to the costumer to adapt equipment according its own demands, moreover it guarantees depreciation of the goods amortized over time, no risks of obsolescence and, of course, a better cost planning. The operative rent guarantees to get an important fiscal advantage: fees are entirely deductible.
- The costumer doesn’t have to create a depreciation fund or insert goods in company’s assets (the good is propriety of Labosystem)
- The costumer can deduct all the fees (IVA included), also the first one
- The costumer is not directly responsible of the proper functioning of the goods because the technical assistance is included in the fees of rent
By stipulating a contract of long-term rent, the costumer guarantees both the availability of instruments and also the related technical assistance
The duration can vary from 12 up to 60 months. At the end of the rent period different options are given to the clients:
- to give the machines back to the seller and get a new rent contract
- to renew the contract for other 12 months with revised fees
- to redeem the goods
- keeping the company liquid assets
- customizable duration of the rent (12-60 months)
- Goods out of financial statements
- Fiscal Advantages (fees completely deductible): the rental fee is completely deductible during the fiscal years in which the expense is incurred
- It has a lower duration compared to the one required by the law on leasing
- It is entered in the company financial statements under the voice “current expenses”
- It is configured as service fee
- It does not create IRAP tax base
- Expenses are verified for the whole duration of the contract (fixed fees)
- It allows to have technologically updated machines